正义, 多样性, Gender Studies

正义, 多样性, 性别研究(JDG)是一个跨学科的项目,既挑战不公正的制度,又从不同的角度庆祝贡献. JDG项目教导学生分析相互交织的压迫,培养倡导和社会行动的技能,成为变革者, equipped to thrive in diverse, cross-cultural settings with openness and respect. 学生培养沟通、协作和批判性思维的技能. JDG毕业生是创造性的问题解决者和领导者,他们可以动员人们在组织中采取共同行动, 机构, 和galaxy银河娱乐场app. 的 program offers two concentrations, 性别一, 性, 和正义, another in 多样性 和正义.

Our graduates work at the Child Abuse Council, Next Gen Climate Iowa, SafePath Survivor Resources (part of Family Resources), 还有很多其他的.


  • Inspiring and Supportive Learning Community
  • Service and Social 正义 Focused Education
  • Become a Vocal Agent of Change


students in beehive

Students on Campus in Fall

Your education goes far beyond simply recognizing injustice. You'll act to thwart it. With supportive and encouraging faculty, 你和你的同事将不知疲倦地解决影响人们的问题. Empowered through education and involvement, 我们的正义, 多样性, 和性别研究的校友自信地踏入职业和研究生学习.

More 信息rmation on 正义, 多样性, Gender Studies


正义, 多样性, Gender Studies majors are generally activists, 驱动, 开放的, 富有同情心的, 女权主义者, community organizers, 和倡导者.

通过galaxy银河娱乐场app, 服务, 宣传, close faculty mentoring, you'll discover your abilities to promote justice and human rights.


This major involves several other academic disciplines, so JDG courses satisfy many general education requirements. And, your skills are valued. 超过95%的校友在他们选择的领域工作或就读研究生院.

正义, 多样性, 性别研究为你提供了一个支持人权和社会正义倡导的框架. 类似地, Bachelor of Social Work at SAU focuses on empowering clients, 家庭, galaxy银河娱乐场app, organizations to be agents of change in the world. 在我们的双学位课程中提升您的技能并扩展您的教育:您可以在四年内毕业并获得司法学位, 多样性, Gender Studies and a degree in Social Work.

如果你打算继续研究生学习,你的BSW可能会导致我们认可的高级地位 垃圾项目这意味着你可以在一年内获得研究生学位,而不是两年. It makes your education more accelerated and affordable.

What Are My Unique Learning Opportunities?

We are active on 校园 and in the community. 正义, 多样性, Gender Studies students organize events about trauma-informed care, intimate partner violence, 性侵犯, LGBTQIA, 身体形象, eating disorders. 我们在多元文化周期间促进多样性,并为联合国和平与正义日写信.

我们通过参加国家会议,如著名的N.E.W. Iowa Leaders seminar which teaches women how to run for public office. We bring performers and speakers from around the world – including Iran, 萨尔瓦多共和国, 俄罗斯, South Africa – to 校园. Through the annual Ambrosians Working for Social 正义 conference, 我们的学生会见国际公认的领袖,如美洲原住民活动家薇诺娜·拉杜克, Equal 正义 Initiative founder Bryan Stevenson作者 无邓恩Nobel Peace Prize Winner Leymah Gbowee 在年度 Ambrosians Working for Social 正义 conference

We intern and serve. Work one-on-one with experts in the field. Advocate for survivors of violence at Family Resources; educate pregnant mothers about prenatal care at Edgerton Women's Health Center; listen to the stories of survivors at Winnie's Place shelter; work with students at Annie Wittenmyer School; develop a fitness plan for clients at the Center For Active Seniors (CASI); and be a force in the life of a homeless youth at 的 Place2B.

We bring you together. 如果你想花时间和志同道合的人在一起,加入Triota,妇女研究荣誉协会. Or, get involved with PRISM, SafeZone, Green Dot, or join our Be 的 Change Learning Community 作为一名一年级学生,并对他人的生活产生直接影响.

我们提供 和平队预备, 这个项目可以让你在和平队或其他服务项目的志愿者职位中成为更有力的候选人. Most students can earn the certificate – awarded by the 和平队 – without taking extra courses.

Olivia Bratt '15 was active and involved at SAU. Read this story about her experience and achievements.

Carrie Landau '96, '02 MCJ spoke to St. Ambrose students on the topic of Exploring Gender and women's issues, as well as pursuing careers in the field of criminal justice. 芝加哥南郊联邦调查局的一名特工, 朗道的大部分工作时间都在与日益猖獗的性交易作斗争.


What are some potential career outcomes?

这个专业可以为你在倡导、社会服务、galaxy银河娱乐场app教育等领域的职业生涯做好准备. 我们的一些毕业生通过美国服务队帮助移民和暴力幸存者, served in the 和平队, work in the federal technology sector, are public school educators.

Our graduates also have landed prestigious scholarships, 奖学金, enrolled in top graduate programs at Washington University in St. Louis, DePaul University, the St. Ambrose Doctor of Occupational 的rapy program. 超过95%的应届毕业生就业或已被研究生院录取.

What have alumni of this program done?
  • Cat Roth '15 paired her WGS (now JDG) degree with a Biology minor. 她是虐待儿童委员会的导乐家访员,在医院为客户提供传统的劳动支持,并进行产前和产后家访.
  • 两个大学毕业生, Bernadette Muloski '12 and Jessica Pera '13, served in Americorps, 支持美国移民和暴力幸存者的社会正义.S.
  • Emily Block '12 works for the federal government in Maryland.
  • Kyla Hadenfeldt '12是St .安全连接的支持服务治疗师. 路易斯,莫.

莉莎维. 鲍威尔,博士,教授, Director

布雷特Billman,博士,助理. 教授
莎拉·丹尼斯,博士,助理. 教授
莎拉Eikleberry,博士,副教授. 教授
玛丽安芬,博士,副教授. 教授
Julie Jenks Kettman,博士,副教授. 教授
艾米丽Kingery,博士,副教授. 教授
布列塔尼Tullis,博士,副教授. 教授

Degree Requirements

Minor in 正义, 多样性, Gender Studies

的 minor in 正义, 多样性, Gender Studies requires 16 credits total, 包括JDG 201, 张东健325, JDG 400-WI and 6 additional JDG or affiliate credit hours.

Click here to read course descriptions in the online course catalog


的 program offers two concentrations, 性别一, 性, 和正义, another in 多样性 和正义.

Gender, 性, 和正义

的 Concentration in Gender, 性, 和正义 为学生提供有关性别的社会文化形成和性期望的广泛知识, how these ideas developed in particular contexts, how they became institutionalized. 学生们将考虑这些期望是如何被强制执行的,以及这是如何阻碍人类繁荣的. Students will study movements of liberation around sex, 性别, 和性, 并研究如何为那些因这些身份而被边缘化的人伸张正义.

多样性 和正义

Concentration in 多样性 和正义 为学生提供有关公共政策影响的广泛知识,以及与获取有关的人类差异的社会认知, 特权, 和地位. 学生将学习历史上因种族而被边缘化的galaxy银河娱乐场app的贡献, 种族, 残疾, 和性, 以及galaxy银河娱乐场app组织和倡导社会变革以促进全体人民全面繁荣的方式.


在圣. Ambrose, Mikka discovered her deep passion for social justice. 她举办活动,支持家庭暴力和性侵犯的受害者, programs to promote self-confidence and self-actualization. 尽管如此, 还有更多, 她被社会女性社会学家授予大学生社会行动奖. 米卡说,SAU对多样性和包容性的承诺增强了她自己的赋权感. "的 space provided by St. Ambrose and the support for our programs is amazing.”

Mikka Mills Earns Social Action Award
香农Werhane mobile headshot 香农Werhane headshot


Master of Social Work,Clinical 的rapist,Class of 2016

Shannon's education was about so much more than book-learning. 这是关于个人发现,找到她的定位,以及她如何能产生最大的影响. 在我们的城市生活垃圾项目中, 你可以学习如何让人们通过自己的力量来改善他们的生活,以及如何激发更强大的galaxy银河娱乐场app. It is an education that can have a deep personal impact, too. Shannon calls it "eternal optimism."


应用 访问 信息


Lisa 鲍威尔, PhD, Director

正义, 多样性, Gender Studies
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
Davenport, IA 52803


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